How Does The Hood Cleaning Process Work? A Step-by-Step Guide

The hood cleaning in a commercial kitchen is an essential part of running a restaurant or food business. Nonetheless, many owners and managers may not be aware of what it consists of, and they might not know why it’s important. This guide offers all the necessary information and describes the steps of the process. Kitchen… Continue reading How Does The Hood Cleaning Process Work? A Step-by-Step Guide

A Guide To Business Kitchen Cleaning Procedures By CLEANA

One of the most important aspects of running a business is guaranteeing it’s safe for all clients, and that’s particularly essential when it comes to restaurants. Cleaning commercial kitchens are crucial, which is why there are experts who can take care of it – from removing oil to disinfecting the smallest space, professionals can provide… Continue reading A Guide To Business Kitchen Cleaning Procedures By CLEANA

The Professional’s Guide To Business Floor Cleaning Equipment

Floor cleaning machines are a godsend to industrial and commercial cleaning companies. They are changing the way people work and have revolutionized Australian cleaning solutions. Here is a complete guide to these incredible commercial Floor Cleaning Equipment and how to pick the best one. Floor Scrubbers A floor scrubber is a modern floor-cleaning machine that… Continue reading The Professional’s Guide To Business Floor Cleaning Equipment

The Ultimate Guide To Business Cleaning Services

Professional cleaners who show up late or sometimes not at all can be a pain in the butt for someone who wants office cleaning. Do these commercial cleaners vacuum correctly? Are some areas left undusted, such as the window sills or door frames? How is their window cleaning technique? Do they leave smudges? People requiring… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide To Business Cleaning Services

The Complete Guide to Business Cleaning Procedures

Commercial property owners and managers are always looking for smarter, better cleaning solutions, and there are none better than CLEANA. Anybody looking to maintain a peak office condition every week or two to deep clean their warehouse, retail store, or other facilities should seriously consider hiring this cleaning company. Many people may not be sure… Continue reading The Complete Guide to Business Cleaning Procedures

How To Choose The Right Business Cleaning Supplies For Your Workplace?

Choosing the right commercial cleaning supplies for an office can be overwhelming due to how many of them there are on the market. Having a full range of options to choose from is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The best part of it is that there’s a product for everyone regardless of what their… Continue reading How To Choose The Right Business Cleaning Supplies For Your Workplace?

Top Reasons Why Professional Healthcare Cleaning Is Important

Covid-19 has taught us many things including one thing which we need to learn and adapt to as soon as possible. And it is more serious when it comes to hospitals because it is that place where not only patients but also healthy people walk there along with the patients. This is why professional commercial… Continue reading Top Reasons Why Professional Healthcare Cleaning Is Important

Everything You Should Know About Organic Business Cleaning Services

The world is changing and humans too. We are now more liberal about climate change, life, and the environment. Organic or green commercial cleaning was always a part of professional cleaning but now it is becoming the new normal. It replaced all chemical-based harmful methods and also brought safe cleaning to everyone’s budget. Now, most… Continue reading Everything You Should Know About Organic Business Cleaning Services

Know Everything About Our Medical Covid Cleaning Services

The covid-19 pandemic is responsible for taking around 45 lac lives worldwide in the last two years. But it also thought us a lesson to take our immunity, doctors, nursing staff, and healthcare centers seriously. Many governments increased the fund to this sector this year as people’s health becomes a priority on their list. Medical… Continue reading Know Everything About Our Medical Covid Cleaning Services